My life changed forever in a big positive direction because of ClickChina. What an amazing, stunning and brilliant employment agency for China.
As a China veteran who has taught here over a 25 year period and have dealt with many other employment agencies, no one compares to the excellent work of ClickChina. They are the best.
As an older foreigner, ClickChina opened the pathways to fantastic university positions. All of this was during the ongoing Covid pandemic.
My recruiter Emily was incredibly good, kind and brilliantly resourceful sometimes pulling off feats I thought impossible. Her dedicated persistence and stunning ability to locate perfect colleges and universities was something to behold. Emily changed my life by giving me vast new opportunities and I will always be truly grateful to her and ClickChina. In my mind Emily and ClickChina are true heroes and I urge anyone considering coming to the very wonderful country of China to seek out their services and let ClickChina change your lives forever. You will not regret having ClickChina represent you in securing a brilliant teaching position. And if you are an older foreign teacher with vast experience, don't hesitate. You have so much to contribute. As 150 is the new 100 anyway.